Thursday, July 8, 2010

the image gallery

Yes, I'm kind of buzzing right now.  I have, in fact, had a few beers.  While I'm aware this post lacks the professional tone that characterizes most blog posts, I've decided that I do not care.  What I'm going to do now is improvise.  Let's pick a random image from the image gallery and start riffing.  

Yeah.  Check that out. It's a toilet.  All made of angles and sharp[ness].  In Soviet Russia, toilets defecate on you (metaphorically).  Now, you may ask yourself if it's possible to make a less blocky toilet, and the answer is a resounding yes!  But if it's a passing object that is not central to the plot of the story, the amount of time I'm willing to spend on its creation is minimal.  I could have used a few 3d modifiers to smooth it out, but that's not edgy, and the comic's not called 'depravity's smooth'.  Nope.

And....this rug.  This stupid rug.  I actually did use the modification to smooth it out, and look how it turned out!  Terrigle.  No, that's not a misspelling, it's a new word to describe the level of terriblosity in the turnout (existing word being assigned new results-oriented meaning related not to number of people attending an event but, instead, an end result of an action, as if English could be so logical.  Sucks to you, English.  Whoa, check it out!  Multiple sentences enclosed in parenthesis.  Prolly get an ungry [secret third -gry English word] e-mail from my sister decrying linguistic rape--[unwarranted double-dash followed immediately by bracket!]) of this image.  But whatever.  Not so much going on in the caring-about-that-shit-right-now department.

Going for three. Nothing bad to say about this one.  It's the baddest friggin' ashtray in the history of the world to this point and will probably be used as a marker to denote the current year, as in today is July 9, 0.  And that 0 shows that it is the year 0, meaning it's been exactly 0 years since the creation of this hastily thrown-together image of this ashtray that I made.

Yeah, I can't keep this up, I really can't.  Time to cry into my pillow and re-watch 6 episodes of Arrested Development.  In my head.  Because I memorized them.  Because I have nothing better to do.  Except blog. To you. *tear*

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